google search optimized for best results for you!try it your self!

Cuban Crates

Hello everybody! Yuuu!

Ok.. sorry for keep you guys waiting for this info about Cuban Crates... GodFather released these crates and offer 3 kind of crates containing : Common, Uncommon and Rare items.


Available: October 16, 2009 - TBD

So, here they are!!! Let's dance, people!


Garza 12 Shotgun (12 attack / 29 defense) *weapon

Hoja Doble (30 attack / 11 defense) *weapon

Ru-357 Pistola (26 attack / 24 defense) *weapon

Guerilla Truck (15 attack / 31 defense) *vehicle


Traje De Balas armor suit aka Bulletproof Suit (10 attack / 39 defense) *armor

Cane Cutter weapon (35 attack / 5 defense) *weapon


Ghillie Suit armor (15 attack / 42 defense) *armor

CM Dragon sports car (40 attack / 18 defense) *vehicle

I bought mine and got all common ones...

Happy hunting, guys!


Mafia Wars : Updates!


Wow, lots of updates and also release to come!!! Moscow new episodes are out! Halloween loots! More cities to come!!! More defensive items!!!
Prepare for eveything, guys... love this game so much!!! Image hosted by


Mafia Wars Moscow: Episode 5 & 6 Loots!

Hello hello.. got a word to say..Attention people!

New Moscow episodes 5 & 6 is out now.. So far I can serve you with these loots.. So Armored Briefcase is no longer best armored now.. and also some vehicles and weapon.. I guess this is what Zynga said about new defensive items... Nice works, teams! Image hosted by

New collections and boosts of Moscow episode 5 and 6..

Soviet Memorabilia Collections
Vault bonus : + 10 health
The boosts of Episode 5
Berlin Wall Section (+46 Fight Defense Skill)

And this one is so exclusive for me.. love the eggs! Trinity's mood

Fabergé Egg Collections
Vault bonus : + 8 energy
The boosts of Episode 6
Faberge Hen (- 24 job energy costs)

Nice to have them all as our collections.. go get them, Comrade! Gotta go..

And yes, back to my profile Yes, all loots will available soon. Will post there how many I got already asap..
No smoking lah Gotta go collecting loots!

Mafia Wars : Under Constructions!

Hi there,

I can not get in Mafia Wars on FaceBook now.. only get white screen..
Got this infos for you...

From Top Mafia - Diabled

Some Facebook apps are experiencing issues (Mafia Wars is among them). We're working to correct this ASAP. Ty for your patience! (MafiaWars Twitter) and on there fan page: Mafia Wars is currently experiencing technical difficulties. We'll update you as soon as the game is back up and running.

The below link totally works but sometimes with some lag..... only thing you need to do is do not click the link directly instead copy it and paste it in a new Tab and hit go.......and then enjoy playing....

From Spockholm Mafia Tools' facebook page:

"AttackX, CollectBoosts beta and JobHelper beta has all been updated to support playing on
- -

You can get them on the testing page :
- -

No more bookmarklets will be updated right now as this is only temporary and a problem that Zynga has to fix."

Hope Zynga can fixed this soon, I need to play!

Job Hole in Moscow!

Hi there!

Thank you for visiting this blog..

I have info about the Job Hole in Moscow.. episode 4! I know this is old story but I'm sure some of you didn't notice this or forget the link.. yes, you can click on this link everyday!

This link works even if you don't have this episode unlocked yet!


Business Helper

Hi guys,

Thank you for visiting this site.

I found this tool to help you collect businesses and bank all funds all from 1 page.
Go to this site to install the bookmarklet.

Install "Business Helper" bookmarklet on your toolbar.
And then click on the bookmarklet to start collecting your businesses.

Hope this could help you.. see ya!

Mafia Wars Loots


Yes, I am giving away all loots now for your donation Image hosted by
Zynga blocks any multisending tools, the best way to send lots of loots now by clicking on GIFT ALL button on your wishlist.. that mean you better buy more than 1 item.
For example :
150 Shturmoviks
150 Armored Briefcase
With equal amount I can simply click on GIFT ALL button for 150x.

Price updated : Oct 16, 2009 coz Zynga changes the stats of some loots

Donate via PayPal

100 BMP/ITR for $7
100 UCP/CSU/PC for $5

$13 = 150 TNTs (42 Attack & 20 Defense),..................... but buy 1 packet (500 items) only $40
$20 = 150 Gaff Hook (20 Attack & 35 Defense),............... but buy 1 packet (500 items) only $60
$13 = 150 Guerrilla Squads (34 Attack & 30 Defense),......... but buy 1 packet (500 items) only $40
$20 = 150 Armored State Car (30 Attack & 42 Defense),....... but buy 1 packet (500 items) only $60
$18 = 150 Hu-9 Helicopters (36 Attack & 27 Defense),......... but buy 1 packet (500 items) only $55
$18 = 150 Canonazos (42 Attack & 22 Defense), ............... but buy 1 packet (500 items) only $55
$18 = 150 Track Loaders (37 Attack & 32 Defense),............ but buy 1 packet (500 items) only $55

$25 = 150 Armored Briefcase (Attack 25 & Defense 36),........ but buy 1 packet (500 items) only $75
$25 = 150 Shturmovic (Attack 45 & Defense 28),............... but buy 1 packet (500 items) only $75
$25 = 150 Orel Armored Helicopter (24 Attack & 40 Defense),.. but buy 1 packet (500 items) only $75
Orel sold out! Will be available soon!

1 fullset for $100

PS : Money first then the loot sent.

Sumbangan via BCA/Mandiri

1. Track Loader (37 Attack & 32 Defense) @800
2. Canonazo (42 Attack & 22 Defense) @800
3. Armored State Car (30 Attack & 42 Defense) @1000
4. Guerilla Squad (34 Attack & 30 Defense) @400
5. Hu-9 Helicopters (36 Attack * 27 Defense) @400
6. Gaff Hook (20 Attack * 35 Defense) @1000
7. TNT (42 Attack & 20 Defense) @400

1. Shturmovic (45 Attack & 38 Defense) @1250
2. Armored Briefcase (25 Attack & 36 Defense) @1250
3. Orel Armored Helicopter (24 Attack & 40 Defense) 2000
Orel sementara kosong.

1 set 900ribu


How to do trade


Mafia Name : ☺ṀЩ Ḽṓṍṱṩ☺
(Note : my new account, special for doing this)
2. Send me a message about what do you want each. Write detail of items (name and amount), please.
3. Wait for my reply, as I will confirm about the amount you ask and the donation required. Will tell you my PayPal email or bank account(s) on email.
4. Donate via PayPal or my bank account(s) and I send you the loots.
If you send via PayPal, please make sure to choose SEND AS A GIFT so I won't be charged by PayPal, otherwise I have to ask for 3% more money.

Only comment your testimonials here. Other un-related comments will be deleted! Thanks.

Beware of scammers! You need to be sure that you add me by clicking on the above link, not somebody else who pretend to be me to deceite your donation!

GF Points For Free This Week!


GodFather has deceided to give us free points again this week. Copy and paste this link on your browser.You need login to Mafia wars first.. good luck! Thanks a lot!


Episode 3 and 4 Mastery Items

It's so hard to mastered each episode on Moscow.. because not only spending lots of energy.. some jobs will cost you lots of Rubels to buy the requirements..
I have to spend lots of my GodFather points to swap with Rubels..

Finally I've master both new episodes.. So here they are..

Episode 3

Episode 4

I am so proud to reach both mastery items.. I hope you guys can get them too soon.. Wheeeeeeeeee..

GodFather Page

Hello guys,

I have found this changes on my GodFather page..
Have you experienced this too?

I think this will be implemented on every players soon..

Episode 3 and 4 Collections & Boosts

Hi there! Howdy!
So sorry I have not updated my blogs for several days.. I have some problems..

First, the internet connection on my new place is so expensive for me.. can not afford it.. I wish you guys could donate some dollars.. so I can go online like I used to..

Second, I have noticed that a group of Mafia Wars on FaceBook copy-paste my blog contents and make lots of new blogs to get money from the ads.. I wish the owner could give me some dollars too.. What dya think?

Basically I don't mind if you become copy-cat.. I just appreciate if you put my blog link and mention this blog as your source like I do.. as I spend lot of time to manage this blog.. (not mentioning internet fees qeqeqe).

Ok, let's step to the title of this post..

So sorry for late posting as I've told you about my number one problem..

This is the pic of new collections on Moscow episode 3 and 4 :

Russian Leaders Collections
Vault bonus : + 4 attack
The boosts of Episode 3
Political Favor (+60 Robbing Defense Skill)

Does Zynga trying to tell us that robbing will be functioning again by giving us the boosts? Only time will tell, I guess..

Vodka Drinks Collections
Vault bonus : + 4 Stamina
The boosts of Episode 4
Liquid Courage (+44 Attack Skill)

There is a limit of collecting all collections into 5 each.. do you experience that too?

Mafia Wars Moscow: Exclusive Sneak Peek at Episodes 3 & 4

This one I took from
All credit goes to the original writer!

On Thursday, October 8, Mafia Wars Moscow will get a little bit bigger with the launch of two new add-ons: Episode 3: Bragadir and Episode 4: Avtoritet.

In Episodes 1 and 2, which were initially released with the Mafia Wars Moscow expansion -- you took up smuggling and drug running (depending on which Russian mafia faction you joined), now it's time to move on to more high-profile operations.

In Episode 3, you'll take on the Moscow Financial System, pulling off a heist of the RossijaBanc Central Repository. Then you'll work your way toward this episode's boss -- bank president Gregor Belikov. Let's just assume there's not going to be a bail-out package for this banking fat cat (see image below). Two new loot items in this episode include the Taiga Combat Shotgun and the Ex-KGB bodyguard.

Episode 4 will take you deep into the Russian military where you'll work with the Vory or the Mafiya to take down the corrupt General Osipov. Use your mafia members and major firepower to defeat the General and his commanders. New items in this episode include the Orel Armored Helicopter and the Razoritel Grenade Launcher.

Reminder: you will need to be at least level 70 to access any episode in Mafia Wars Moscow. Happy hunting.

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