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Rackets & Influence

I wanna try to discuss about this feature. I still don't have personal experience of having one, but I read a lot and would like to share the knowledges here. Enjoy! Enjoy, mate

Rackets are a replacement for Properties for some beta accounts (and new players). There are tiers that open up after you master the first tier of each racket. For example, when you master the Three-Card Monteracket a new tier opens up called Backroom Poker. Master that and Executive Game opens up and so on and so forth. You must return to collect on the racket after it completes or it gets busted by the cops and you lose the money and the influence!

Influence is a new stat that is available on some beta accounts. Influence is used to invest in Rackets.

Influences replenishes 1 point per hour. It does not refill on level-up. The maximum amount you can you hold is 20% greater than the number of skill points you have invested. So if you have 20 Influence skill points, you can "hold" up to 24 Influence points at one time (24/20).

1 Skill Point = 1 Influence 

New Rackets to Manage

Rackets come in four flavors: Cash, Attack Boosts, Defensive Boosts, Job Boosts. The Attack, Defense and Job rackets each generate an initial count per instance, until the job is mastered. After mastering, you are then awarded an additional boost each time you collect the racket. For example, the Taxi Stand Racket initially generates two Free Ride boost every four hours. After you have mastered the racket you will be awarded with three Free Ride boost every four hours.

Will discuss one by one of Rackets related matters soon.. hold on.. 
Trinity's mood


New Feature of Helping Job

New feature is out!

I was gonna help one of my mafia on job bonus.. suddenly this feature appear :

One box appear below the text of experience and money we got from helping a job. So we need to write a "thank you" comment. Of course you can write anything on it and then click on the "Post Comment" button.
I quickly go to his wall and find my comment has been publish there..

Kinda cool! So our mafia knows that we already help him/her doing the job.. But not all job bonus has this feature.. perhaps in the future??

Ciluuuuuk.. baaa!!!Happy weekend, guys!

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