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Join Groups, Anyone?



Have you ever invited by your mafia fellows to join one or more groups? Most of the groups offering you to get free GodFather points or sometimes loots or even money on your bank (either in New York, Cuba or Moscow).

Here are the examples of some groups :

This group only offering 1 GP (Godfather Point) per invite..
sounds fair but it's IMPOSSIBLE to do! The admin can not give you that GP.. be real, please!

200 GF Points Daily? Give me a break!
501 Members in 60 minutes? Yes, if you're a movie star!

952 Free GP? Nonsense!
Invicible Player Codes? What is that???

This is an event.. Everyone gets 2000 GP.. really out of his mind! Fake offer!

Bla bla bla...

See that "hacking" link above? Do not enter that kind of link!

That account doesn't look real, right?

Those kind of groups or events or fan-pages are designed to attrack more members, especially low level players who have not many experiences about the game yet. Please be informed, there is NO WAYany players may receive GodFather points from other players, or groups, or events, or else. The only way is from buying it with your money or doing offers from third parties. That's it!

As far as I know, that groups etc will get more profit from the commercials. So, more members mean more profit. That's why they suggest you to add more people by using fake offers.

You can join to pimp yourself on the wall.. or just simply ignore the invite. If you want to have bigger mafia, join a clan or any pimping groups. That is more realistic, right? What dya think?


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