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robbing strategies and mechanics

Robbing is now in game for all players! Even my rackets account (which still has rackets) can log in and start robbing. Now that I've gotten to play with it some, here is what I have noticed:

1) The amount of Mafia you can use during a robbery attempt 
depends on which type of property you try to rob.

For example, look at the Dockyard picture above. The "50" number next to the mafia icon shows how many mafia members I can use during my robbery. What this means is that I will only be able to use my 50 best weapons, armors, and vehicles during a robbery attempt on a Dockyard, even if I have a bigger mafia and more weapons. You will be capped at the number indicated on each robbery.

The more expensive the property, the more Mafia Members you can use. For example, you can only use 2 mafia members to rob a flophouse but you can use 50 to rob a dockyard.

Equipment stats and stat points are somewhat additive. This picture was taken on my energy account, which has zero extra stat points in attack, yet I still had a much higher attack score than my opponent. It seems that the total offensive score is calculated by:

(Stat points in attack + score from equipment) * a random multiplier (anywhere from 1-3 it would seem).

Sometimes, I will rob a property with an attack score of 15,000, and then rob the same property and have an attack score of 5,000. The "random" element means that anyone at any point can win a robbery (and also lose one!), no matter how much attack, defense, or equipment you have.

There are a few practical results of this:

1) If you want to rob one of the smaller properties (ones where you can only use a few mafia members to help out), such as a flophouse, the fight comes entirely down to who has the most points in attack (or defense).

2) If you rob one of the larger properties, your equipment score vastly outweighs your stat point score.

3) "Special" loot pieces, especially job mastery rewards and Bangkok faction items, now weigh heavily into robbing.

4) Having a full set of good (but not great) loot is only important in robbing larger properties.

5) Attack boosts help out significantly in small robberies and mean nothing in large robberies.

6) Due to the random multiplier, even the weakest accounts will win some robberies, and even the strongest accounts will lose some robberies. While a lot of people don't like the randomly losing, I think the randomness is a good thing as it allows everyone to progress through robbing (i.e. there won't be so much whining from bad players), and since there is no penalty for losing, it doesn't matter too much if you lose once in awhile.

Here is how this comes into play:

1) My "fighting" account will win every small robbery attempt that it makes. Since I have been slacking on finishing content with it, it loses most larger robbery attempts! Missing out on Bangkok faction pieces and job mastery rewards will significantly impair your robbing ability, even if you have 1000 or more points in attack.

2) My energy account will lose every small robbery attempt it makes, but wins most of its larger robberies (where you can use 100+ members), since I have every special item, tons of faction loot, and all the job mastery rewards.

In short, your ability to win fights does not predict your ability to win robbing events. If you want to win all your robbery attempts, you need 1) all the job mastery rewards 2) about 25 of the Yakuza Assassin Bangkok faction items 3) a lot of stat points in attack.

There are no shortcuts here and it is fairly balanced. They did a good job in my opinion in that regard. I will post again later today with more info on the rewards and other robbing information.


Robbing Collections & Other Info


Robbing is now in game for a small subset (probably about 10%) of the gaming population. Here is how it works:

When going to the robbing screen, you are presented with 6-9 possible properties to rob. Usually a few properties are listed as "easy" while a few always seem to be listed as "hard". Despite this, if you have a strong fighting account, you will almost always win your "hard" matches. If you have a really weak account, you can still lose "easy" matches. It doesn't seem to be a reliable gauge of your opponents weaknesses. If you're strong, you'll win. If you're not, you probably won't.

Also note that your board changes while you are away. As predicted, you will need a good bit of stamina to really take advantage of this new feature (200 stamina seems about right). Good thing the chop shop has a +5 stamina car, so even if you are firmly entrenched in a high level, fighting based account, you can still easily pick up tons of stamina.

If you successfully rob each property on your property "board", you will get a bonus XP reward. I've seen as high as 500 XP. This makes robbing a great way to get experience points, assuming your account is strong enough to rob other players.

Additionally, as you rob, you have a chance to get bonus loot pieces (random loot pieces, sometimes high end, just like with fighting) and also a chance to get robbing collection pieces. Here's what they do:
Tools of the Trade Collection

Pieces in set: Lock Picks, Diamond Drill, Flashlight, Walkie Talkie, Safecracker's Stethoscope, Black Ski Masks, Grappling Hooks

Reward for vaulting: +20% cash and items from robbing
Stolen Diamond Collection

Pieces in set: Hope Diamond, Koh-I-Noor Diamond, Great Star of Africa Diamond, The Orloff Diamond, The Sancy Diamond, The Idol's Eye Diamond, The Regent Diamond

Reward for vaulting: Improve odds of successfull robberies by 10%


The collections are pretty solid, especially if you rob a lot. Note that with the Stolen Diamond collection, even a weak energy account can successfully rob even the toughest opponent. Bringing back the RNG!

At any rate, it's nice to having robbing back. I'm not sure when it will be available for everyone, most of my accounts do not yet have it (even the ones with properties).


More Robbing Details and Information


So, earlier today a new post was mentioned containing more information on the upcoming re-implementation of robbing. Here is how it is going to work:

When you click on the "robbing" tab, you will be given access to a "grid" of a few properties, from which you can decide who you want to rob.

Couple of things:

1. For robbing properties, you get experience for a separate leveling bar. Level 10, the top level, earns you the title of Grand Master Thief (hopefully you can use that as your profile name) and an unknown reward item.

2. You can earn robbing collection pieces from robbing.

3. Note that the difficulty level of each property is already calculated for you. So when you decide to rob an easy target, you'll probably win 100% of the time, and if you decide to rob a "Hard" target, you'll probably lose 100% of the time. Turns out you won't need to use your brain with the new feature.

4. Also, note that the stamina cost appears to vary from property to property. In the picture above, robbing a casino appears to cost 20 stamina. This may depend on the level of the property, we will have to find out. It's a nice change either way, as spending a few hundred stamina can be a pain. Hopefully the reward for spending that extra stamina matches the cost.

5. Getting new targets appears to cost stamina (note top left of the picture). So if you can't find anyone to beat on the robbing list, it looks like you'll have to spend some stamina to get a new list.


While it's too early to make too many assumptions, I can safely assume that robbing will be stamina intensive (20 stamina for robbing the casino in the pic above, and 6 stamina just to get targets). As a result, I'd recommend stocking up on stamina over the next few days if you plan on doing a lot of robbing. The
Rebel 2 chop shop car gives +5 stamina for building - considering making one of those each day until robbing comes out.


New Mystery Bag Items

The mystery bags got a makeover - same concept, just new items.

In addition to some new items, players can now get 100 Free XP from mystery bags.

Here is what I have found so far:

100 Experience Points
Wishlist Items
Many different kinds of boosts
+5 Free Skill Points
+1 Reward Point
Chop Shop Items
Cricket Cage
Uilleann Pipes (St. Patrick's Day Collection Item)
Luck of the Irish
Green Limo

..and I'm sure there are a lot more items (feel free to post what you find in the comments).

The unfortunate thing that is a lot of these items are either 1) free gifts 2) easily gotten (chop shop items, boosts, etc).

There are still a few useful items (+100 XP, +5 skill points, +1 reward point), however, it seems that once again the "good" rewards are limited. Nearly everyone's first mystery bag seems to yield 100 XP, and the +skill points and +reward points are fairly rare. However, they're certainly better than nothing! The +5 skill point reward can go very far along with the extra stamina and energy each day from the chop shop!


Chop Shop - The Final Word

So, I've been messing around with the Chop Shop over the last few days, and here are the highlights:


The Chop Shop is upgradeable up to level 10. There are 5 items you will need for each upgrade: Shipping Containers, Cement Blocks, Power Tools, Car Lift, and Acetylene Torches. There are several ways to get these upgrade pieces:

- As free gifts. Every Mafia Wars player can send 2 types of these upgrade pieces as free gifts.

- From jobs and fighting. These upgrade pieces are a somewhat rare drop from doing jobs and fighting in any city.

- By asking for help. Every 24 hours, you can post a request for "help" collecting an item. Simply go into the Chop Shop page and click "Upgrade" and you will see an "Ask for Help" button below some of the item types. Pick the one you have the lowest one and offer up a request. Note: This 24 hour timer seems to reset if you upgrade your chop shop, so it is possible to call for help on items back to back.

- By spending godfather points. You can trade 1 godfather point for each item. It would require quite a few Godfather points to fully upgrade your chop shop, as you will a few hundred of these pieces to finish up.

The cost for upgrading = (current level + 4) car parts of each type. For example:

If you are level 5, you will need 9 (5 + 4) of each type of ingredient to upgrade your chop shop to level 6.

By upgrading your Chop Shop, your shop will produce more car parts per hour. You will also gain access to more vehicle types, which are listed in the Chop Shop Cars post.


Your chop shop will produce "Car Parts" on its own every 24 hours. This is a generic item and you will need quite a few of these items to make cars. You can also find these generic car parts as a common drop from fighting and doing jobs in any city. In addition to these items, some cars require other specialty car parts, such as Thai Car Parts, Bulletproof Glass, and Solar Panels.

Solar panels and Bulletproof Glass drop randomly from doing jobs and fighting in what seems like any city (though I found mine in New York). They have a very low drop rate, but if you play a lot, you will find a lot of these.

City Car Parts (Thai Car Parts, Cuban Car Parts, etc) drop from their prospective cities randomly while doing jobs and fighting. For example, you will only find Cuban Car Parts when fighting and doing jobs in Cuba.


Now, the Chop Shop no longer produces 1 vehicle randomly every 24 hours. You have to build vehicles using the car parts listed above. I listed all the vehicles in a previous post linked above that you can choose from. Unlock more vehicles by upgrading your chop shop.

Note that you can only produce 1 vehicle per 24 hours, even if you have the car parts. As a result, you want to pick the best possible cars to build.

Right now, it seems the best two cars are the Rebel 2 and the Solar Flare. The Rebel 2, with 40 attack and 45 defense, has pretty good stats and gives you +5 stamina for purchasing. That would be +5 max stamina - so you could go from 15/15 to 20/20 by purchasing this vehicle.

The Solar Flare stats aren't as high as the Rebel 2 but it gives out +5 energy for purchasing. Once again, that is max energy. Each time you buy another one of these cars you can increase your stats by +5. The only catch is that you can only do it once every 24 hours.

Since you can increase your stats through this function, you can make big improvements in your character as it is like getting an extra level up each day that you build one of these cars. By doing this for a month, you could end up with an extra max 150 stamina or energy points. This will in turn result in more jobs done and more fights participated in, which would precipitate further levels and even more stat points. This is definitely a worthwhile use of your Mafia Wars time, don't ignore it if you want to stay ahead of the curve!


Chop Shop Upgrade - Info, Cars, and Parts

The new Chop Shop is now live in game! Here's how it works.

The original 5 Chop Shop pieces can be used to upgrade your Chop Shop to different levels (power tools, cement blocks, etc).

There are 10 total levels, with each level unlocking a new car type and the ability of your Chop Shop to produce more parts.

At any rate, it starts off costing 5 of each type of car part for each level and this number increases by 1 per level (6 to get to level 3, 7 to get to level 4, etc).

There are a large variety of car types available at the Chop Shop. Here is a list:

Level 1: Random common car - 10 car parts required

Level 2: Random rare car - 25 car parts

Level 3: Tasmanian - 36 attack, 34 defense - 30 car parts

Level 4: CM Santiago R10 - 42 attack, 30 defense - 30 car parts and 2 Cuban Car Parts (guessing these drop from fights and jobs in Cuba)

Level 5: Rebel 2 - 40 attack, 45 defense, +5 stamina (not sure if you can collect +5 stamina each time you can collect a car - need confirmation) - 45 car parts and 2 bulletproof glass.

Level 6: Russian Dazatz 45 - 18 attack, 46 defense - 50 car parts and 2 Russian Car Parts

Level 7: Solar Flare - 34 attack, 34 defense, +5 energy - 65 car parts and 1 solar panel

Level 8: Thai XS Max - 45 attack, 35 defense - 75 car parts and 2x Thai Car Parts

Level 9: Trio Napoli - 47 attack, 23 defense - 95 car parts

Level 10: Red Angel - 16 attack, 49 defense - 115 car parts


Some more information:

Car parts drop randomly from all sorts of jobs and fights, as do the specialty items such as "solar panel" and "bulletproof glass". The specialty items seem to be rarer but still seem to be a random drop.

Additionally, each type of zone based cart part drops from its respective city (Cuban Car Part drops in Cuba, Thai Car Part drops in Bangkok, etc). These drop from random jobs and fights as well - you just have to be in the city.

You can also get car parts pieces simply by fighting and doing jobs. It would seem that the fastest way to upgrade your chop shop would be to repeat a low energy cost job in New York!


Chop Shop Update and Upgrade

Mafia Wars just announced an upgrade to the currently weak Chop Shopproperty. Currently, the Chop Shop produces 1 random vehicle every 24 hours, of varying quality, making it a fairly useless item. However, here are the slotted changes noted on the fan page:

We're updating our Chop Shop! Now, not only will you get car parts dropped from jobs and fighting, your Chop Shop will also produce car parts for you. Collect and turn them into hot vehicles. Also be sure to upgrade your shop to produce more car parts and unlock new rides! Updated Chop Shop coming soon!

Note that the Chop Shop is coming soon - it's not in game yet. Apparently, the chop shop will now produce car parts that can be turned into vehicles. I'm guessing players will be able to choose which vehicle they want to construct, so if a player who already has it all wants to collect 100 car parts for a top tier vehicle, he can do so, while a low-end player will be able to make some decent vehicles for a much lower cost.

Additionally, note that these car parts will drop from fighting and jobs - giving players a chance to earn extra vehicles that way.

Finally, it looks like the Chop Shop will now be upgradeable to different levels, enabling it to produce more cars or car parts. We'll have to see. Not sure when the upgrade is due in.


Note: Collection pieces from the Valentine's Day Collection event (which are no longer collectible, but still able to be vaulted) are increasing rapidly in value. I expect a similar situation (but not quite to the same degree) with the mystery bag collection if they ever discontinue the mystery bags. Perhaps stock up on a few to be safe, and if you have a Heart Tattoo left over from Valentine's Day, know that it is now quite valuable!
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